Monday, February 18, 2013

Madie's Response to Alex P.5 Ch.4

Both Alex and I were pretty surprised to see Raskolnikov confess, however, we both expressed the same thoughts that we were expecting it at some point. I liked Alex's idea that he confessed to Sonia because he needed an outlet and she was the most reliable. Sonia would understand that people make mistakes, and she would be most forgiving and understanding. Further, I think that he not only went to her because of what Alex said, but also because she is the only character with whom Raskolnikov has any sort of deep relationship. He trusts her enough to confess the murder to her. We both share the same surprise to Sonia's reaction when she says she will not leave him even though he is a murderer and has no reason to be. This may be in part due to the reasons that were mentioned above. Also, I think Alex may be right when she suspected Raskolnikov of lying again during his justification of the murder. It is questionable wether or not he did it to feel superior, he jumps around with his justifications of why he did the crime. I agree with Alex, I would feel more respect for him if he was more upfront and didn't try to sidestep everything. It will be interesting to see his confession to the police, and how/if his character changes from here.

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