Sunday, February 10, 2013

Alex's reaction to Part 5, Chapter 3

This was a bittersweet chapter for me. I absolutely loved the fact that Lebezyatnikov spoiled Luzhin’s plan! To be honest, before this chapter, Lebezyatnikov annoyed me. He just seemed like another insignificant character that digressed from the novel’s central plot. However, Luzhin is probably my least favorite character in the novel, and to see his plan get ruined and illustrate the real bad guy was extremely satisfying! Especially since part of Luzhin’s plan was to make Sonya look as if she was at fault. Despite the fact that she is a prostitute, I have gained respect for Sonya over the course of the novel. I feel bad that she lives in such miserable conditions and has forced herself into prostitution in order to help her family. The fact that Sonya still has hope that God will forgive her of her sins makes her one of the few positive characters in Crime and Punishment, which at times can be relieving. I was also happy when Raskolnikov stood up against Luzhin in support of Dunya, revealing that Luzhin probably wanted to slander Sonya in order to get back at Raskolnikov for ruining his engagement and to prove to Dunya that Raskolnikov is disrespectful. Why Raskolnikov does this was not entirely clear to me. On one hand, he could be selflessly helping Sonya out and fighting against Luzhin's injustice. On the other hand, he could be helping her in order to prevent Luzhin from ruining his relationship with his sister and as a result, the rest of his family. Raskolnikov's conflicted moral code leads me to believe there is some of each side in his actions. By protecting Sonya while embarrassing Luzhin, Raskolnikov killed two birds with one stone. On the other hand, I felt bad that Katerina Ivanova’s family was evicted from their housing unit. Although she has had poor behavior lately, I believe she was acting out of her low self-esteem, poor health, and to convince herself that she is in a better reality. The fact that Katerina no longer has food or a home foreshadows that she will die soon. However, I do believe that Raskolnikov’s feelings and friendship with Sonya is genuine, and he will not want her family to suffer or be homeless. Therefore, I believe that Raskolnikov will probably offer his apartment to Sonya and her family some time in the coming chapters.

- Alex 

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