Sunday, September 9, 2012

Gabe's response to Alex's reaction to chapter 7

Alex had an interesting reaction to chapter seven. I think she discussed several important aspects of the story and provided a thorough analysis of Raskolnikov's actions. I understand Alex's  skepticism of Raskolnikov actually following through with the murder. It is hard to believe that after so much debate and uncertainty occurring in his mind that he will finally pull through with it. However, I think all hope was lost the second the psychotic look appeared in his eyes. He is an indecisive and tentative character, which makes the reader wonder what he will ultimately do. Alex raised an interesting point -- Raskolnikov tends to make excuses in order to justify his actions as he does not want to take responsibility. He wants to believe that his actions are for the greater good, when they clearly are not. Alex was very shocked at the fact that Raskolnikov killed Alyona, yet slightly less shocked when he killed Lizaveta. This is where our opinions differ. While i was shocked that Raskolnikov ended up killing Alyona, it was somewhat expected as the story led up and introduced several clues and signs foreshadowing this. There is no doubt that Raskolnikov is not a good person. However, he believes he is as he feels that this murder was justified, so he acted on what he believed was right. On the other hand, there was no possible explanation or reason for Raskolnikov to murder Lizaveta other than him selfishly wanting to not be arrested; killing her would not have a positive impact on society like he believed about killing Alyona. This chapter was extremely suspenseful and intense, and I am interested to see what occurs in part two of this story.


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