Sunday, September 9, 2012

Ch. 7 Reaction

So now every moment that showed that Raskolnikov might have had a conscious, that he might not have actually gone through with the crime, has been disproved. He goes through with the brutal murder as well as killing Lizaveta. His character throughout part one is very indecisive and goes back and forth between right and wrong, mostly because I think he did not want to actually go through with it. However he does go through with it. But not in the way I expected. After he kills Lizaveta, he becomes almost paranoid. Frightened and absent minded, "If at that moment he had been in a condition to choose rationally or to see more clearly... quite likely he would have abandoned everything and gone immediately to give himself up... from horror and disgust of what he had done." I thought that this quote was interesting because not only did it show that he was not thinking rationally (obviously), but it shows that he might have actually shown remorse and regret towards his murderous actions.

- Madie

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