Sunday, October 7, 2012

Gabe's reaction to part 2 chapter 7

I found the concluding chapter of part two to be very exciting and an appropriate way to finish this part of the book. Marmeladov is a character that was introduced earlier in the novel that the author made seem as if he was of no importance later on in the novel. However, he was coincidentally reintroduced when Raskolnikov sees him lying drunken and injured on the floor after being run over by a carriage. I found this to be somewhat predictable as it was suggested in their earlier encounter that Marmeladov's life would end in a drunken state, while not being of much use to his family. Raskolnikov takes this opportunity to make a good deed by assisting Marmeladov and taking him to his home. It is evident that this family has not changed at all. His wife, Katerina, still puts Marmeladov down and insults him even when the doctor announces that he is dying. Despite this, the family still takes care of him and shows affection, emphasizing the dramatic and contradicting lifestyle they live in. They are clearly a weak and broken down family, which makes them easy targets for Raskolnikov to help out in order to redeem himself. After assisting this family emotionally, he leaves them some money, which he regretted doing last time they met. However, he feels the need to do this in order to relieve some of his guilt. I feel that although he may seem like a compassionate person, he is really doing this out of selfishness in order to feel redeemed for his murders. I am curious to see how long this temporary happiness continues for and how he will turn out in the following chapters. 


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