Sunday, November 11, 2012

Madie's Response

I agree with both of my partners. I thought that Alex's interpretation of Svidrigailov was very accurate, he seems very dishonest, and does not seem to be very trustworthy yet. There is something about him that seems wrong. The fact that he offers money for Dunya's love makes me think that unlike what he insists his motives are not purely for love. Also, I liked how she noted it was comical and almost ironic that Raskolnikov can consider this man to be insane when he himself, is almost on the brink of insanity.  I agree with both Alex and Gabe during the description of why Raskolnikov decides to leave. On one hand, I agree with Gabe, that he could possibly be doing this for his own protection, instead of out of love for his family. However, I also agree with Alex that it seems to be a selfless act he commits. However what we all are agreeing on is that this choice his character made was an unexpected one. Wether or not it was for good reasons or out of love is debatable, however he is acting unpredictably which will undoubtedly play a role in his coping of the murder. 
I am excited to see what happens. 

- Madie

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