Sunday, November 11, 2012

Alex Part IV

I really enjoyed the first few chapters of Part IV in Crime and Punishment. At the end of Part III, Dostoyevsky integrates a new character into the plot by describing the man as a stranger who appears in Raskolnikov’s bedroom. The fact that Dostoyevsky ended Part III without introducing the strange man created a great amount of suspense that carries over into the opening chapters of Part IV. In Chapter 1, we finally learn who the mysterious stranger in Raskolnikov’s room is. He identifies himself as Svidrigailov, and has come to seek Raskolnikov’s help in his pursuit of Dunya. Currently, I get the impression that Svidrigailov is somewhat insignificant to the novel’s central plot. Nonetheless, I was still intrigued with his character because of his morals. While I do not doubt that Svidrigailov is faking his love for Dunya, it is clear that he is not a very noble or respectable person when he offers money in exchange for Dunya’s love. I thought it was quite comical when Raskolnikov deemed Svidrigailov insane and lunatic because of the fact that Raskolnikov, himself, is clearly mentally crazy and unstable. One thing I have noticed in Crime and Punishment is that nearly all of the characters have dishonorable and corrupt ethics. In my opinion, this says a lot about the setting of the novel and indicates that such behavior was common back in that time period. Also in these chapters of Part IV, Dunya finally ends her engagement to Luzhin. I was surprised by Raskolnikov’s reaction to this, because he finally shows the honorable side of his personality. After arranging for Razhumikhin to support his mother and sister, Raskolnikov separates himself from his family. In my opinion, Raskolnikov knows that it is in his family’s best interest for him to distance himself from them, however, he would not do so until he knew they would be cared for. This captured my attention because it was the first time that Raskolnikov acted out of selflessness. I am excited (and hopeful) to see if this newfound generosity will continue.


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