Sunday, April 7, 2013

Term Paper #2 - Madie

In Crime and Punishment, the main character, Raskolnikov, has many different relationships with the other characters however, none are so unique as that between Raskolnikov and Sonia. Their relationship is so different from that of any other characters because for the first time it seems that Raskolnikov has found somebody who he can find solace through, and Sonia has found someone who does not look down upon her. They place a certain trust in each other and begin to seek each other out in times of need. What makes their connection closer is that although they lead different lives, they ultimately have the same troubles and conflicts. Both Raskolnikov and Sonia want and need to provide for their families. Furthermore, they both struggle with the same internal conflicts of guilt and sin that come from Sonia’s prostitution and Raskolnikov’s murderous act. The two characters find parts of their lives, the tormenting parts, that parallel each others. 

Unlike Raskolnikov’s other relationships with characters in the novel, his connection with Sonia is more intimate and trusting. Throughout the novel, Raskolnikov seeks refuge from his own guilt with her. He finds comfort in her company, and although at first she seems frightened by his late night visits and outbursts, she finds herself strangely enjoying them as well. Sonia, faced with similar feelings of guilt and despair, finds solace in God, by staying religious and praying often. For her, this is a way to cope with her own conflicts of helping her family and herself. In Raskolnikov’s case, it is Sonia who becomes his saviour, as he uses her to find his own solace. This point is further shown when he confesses to her that he was the murderer. He finds comfort in her company, and she offers him relief from his tormenting guilt. This unique relationship is not seen between any other characters in the novel, and is a positive relationship for both of the characters. The two characters are able to use this relationship to overcome their own inner troubles and conflicts. For Sonia, Raskolnikov makes her feel like a bigger person when he stands up for her when she is accused of theft, and also when he says “I did my sister an honor by sitting her next to you.” For the first time, Sonia gains the respect of somebody, and is not judged for her line of work. In Raskolnikov’s case, Sonia offers an outlet to stop himself from going mad. She helps him cope with his guilt of the murders by acting as his saviour and guiding him in the right direction. As the book continues they slowly become closer, finding more things that connect them. 

(new part)From the beginning of the book, it is clear that Raskolnikov hold his family quite dear to him. Before the murder, he receives a letter from his sister that tells of her engagement and absolutely enrages Raskolnikov because he doesn’t want to see her be unhappy or living with somebody who will not treat her well. He immediately doesn’t like his sister’s fiance, and this continues throughout the book. Family is a crucial thing to him, and he will do anything to protect his sister and mother. This point is further emphasized when, after the murder, he considers running away and leaving his family to protect them. Later on in the book he begins to realize that it was because of his love for his family that he even committed the crime, “if only I were alone and nobody loved me and I never loved anybody! All this wouldn’t have happened!” His love of his family takes over his life, and he strives so they will be ok. He is their breadwinner and protects them, he is even driven to murder to ensure they would be financially stable. Interestingly, this is almost the same situation that Sonia Marmeladov is found in. At a young age, she had to step up in to become the provider for the family, when her father became a drunk, and there is nothing more important to her than her family. She was even beaten by her step mother Katherine Ivanova yet still claims she loves her dearly. When Katherine Ivanova becomes ill, Sonia is distraught with the idea that her sister may have to go into the same line of work as her. She does all she can to protect her family, and keep them safe, just like Raskolnikov. Both of them are drawn towards sin for their families. It is this love of family that connects the two characters even further. No other characters have such similar situations regarding family, therefore it seems fitting that they seek each other out, and gravitate towards each other in times of need. They both understand what it means to undergo hardship on behalf of their families. 

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