Sunday, April 21, 2013

Alex's comments on Gabe's paper

Gabe, I enjoyed reading this portion of your term paper! I loved how you touched upon several different aspects of the novel that contribute to Raskolnikov’s guilt, such as the Extraordinary Man theory. My paper covers a similar topic, but focuses more on Raskolnikov’s superman theory and whether or not he qualifies as an Übermensch. I like how you included the Anna Knowles quote regarding the Superman theory. However, I noticed that you mentioned her definition “accurately describes Raskolnikov as he is not affected by pity or any of the other requirements that fit in to the Superman theory. He is considered corrupted amongst modern society because he is not affected by normal human emotions.” I recommend changing this sentence because it does not support the rest of your term paper. If Raskolnikov were not affected by normal human emotions and pity, he would not feel any guilt or remorse for his actions (and his extreme sense of guilt seems to be the foundation for your paper). Other than that, I like how your assessment of Raskolnikov takes more of a psychological approach and you do not present your analysis in such a “matter-of-fact” manner. I love your paper so far and I am excited to see the final product! Well done!

- Alex 

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