Sunday, January 13, 2013

Madie's Response to Gabe & Alex P.4 Ch.6

I agree with both Gabe and Alex about their interpretations of the chapter. We all seem to feel that this chapter provided a new twist to the story brought with Nikolai's confession, which came quite suddenly and out of the blue. I thought it was interesting that Alex thought Nikolai might have been involved in some sort of plan to help free Raskolnikov. While this could be a possibility I don't think that Nikolai would have confessed to such a crime just to help Raskolnikov get off the hook. Also, Alex brought up an idea that Raskolnikov might try to run now that the suspect confessed. I am not sure if he would do this or not. If they believe Nikolai and he is punished for it then Raskolnikov may not have to leave because he would be in the clear. However, what I think may happen is that the confession won't be accepted. The facts behind his confession are false and Porfiry may know that and dig up the evidence refuting it. If this happens Raskolnikov would have a better chance running away from it. However, like Gabe said, Raskolnikov may not run at all, he may confess. This is an idea that has been played with throughout the whole book and may well be the case. Raskolnikov has come so close to confessing so many times that he may ultimately end up confessing. This new twist has made the book more unpredictable and I can't wait to see how Raskolnikov handles this from here.

- Madie

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