Sunday, January 6, 2013

Madie's Reaction Part 4 Chapter 5

Here Raskolnikov comes even closer to admitting to the murder. At the beginning of the chapter, Raskolnikov meets with Porfiry at the police office to claim his pawned goods, however it doesn't go very well. The whole time, Porfiry tells Raskolnikov how he knows many things about the murderer all of which point to Raskolnikov. Porifiry seems to almost egg him on to see if he can get a reaction to confirm his suspicions. In this case, Porfiry is successful. Raskolnikov becomes enraged, saying that Porfiry should either accuse him or let it go. This is exactly what Profiry was looking for to confirm that Raskolnikov is indeed the murderer. Raskolnikov became incredibly close to confessing to the murder and he is showing all signs of guilt throughout their conversation. Although he is silent during the beginning, his iritation and his outburst are strong pieces of evidence that Porfiry can use. Raskolnikov is venturing closer and closer to a confession or an accusation. I believe that Porfiry will later convict Raskolnikov and he will have witnesses he could call (like Svidrigailiov) who have heard convincing evidence proving him guilty. There is too much evidence that goes against Raskolnikov's innocence, and too many people who could attest to it to let him stay unconvicted or unaccused.


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