Monday, January 7, 2013

Gabe's response to Alex and Madie's reaction to Part 4 ch 5

I agree with Alex on the fact that the murder investigation is actually progressing and it is becoming more and more obvious that Raskolnikov is the murderer. Raskolnikov and Porfiry's conversation is a significant event in the story because it shows Raskolnikov losing his cool and becoming wildly impatient and overwhelmed with guilt. Although Alex thinks that Raskolnikov wants to be caught because of his guilt, I think his reaction is more of a result of the internal conflict inside of him. This internal conflict is one between his guilt and wanting to confess and wanting to be safe and not be punished or take responsibility for his actions. I am not entirely sure that Raskolnikov will end up confessing, so I have to disagree with Alex. At this point I am starting to feel as if he will be caught and convicted before he decides to confess because of his weak personality and the fact that he already dug himself a really deep hole. Madie also states that she believes Raskolnikov is eventually going to confess, which I have to disagree with. I like how she states that Porfiry is "egging him on" in an effort to extract a confession to the murders. I don't think that Raskolnikov's reaction is necessarily considered evidence, but I do think that it will allow more people to start accusing him and it does make him look more guilty. I agree that Svidrigailov and Porfiry will have some form of alliance in attempting to bring down Raskolnikov because they both have the most reason to suspect him of being the murderer.I am excited to see how everyone's new suspicions will play out against him.


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