Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Impression: Part 1 Ch. 1-3

Raskolikov, the protagonist, had to face several difficulties in order to survive in his poor living conditions. He demonstrates cowardly characteristics as his stomach churns at the thought of facing his landlady, to whom he owes several months rent to. He is constantly nervous and living in fear. He is a suspicious person as he avoids all human contact including former acquaintances and friends. His character is further taken into question as he deliberates on an unrevealed plan that makes him ashamed and disgusted at himself, but does not believe it can be pulled off since he is afraid of everything. He struggles between his will to commit the crime and his loathing of himself for considering it. He meets a retired government clerk, Marmeladov, at a bar who volunteers his life story. He is an alcoholic who appears to have a contradictory personality, which is demonstrated by the fact that he realizes that his family problems are largely his fault yet denies responsibility for his actions. This man eventually disgusts Raskolikov after meeting his family and realizing that they are terrible people for allowing their daughter to prostitute herself in order to assist the family’s financial state. Raskolikov shows positive character traits by selflessly giving money to this family in order to aid them when he can barely support himself, although he regrets doing so later realizing that the money will probably be wasted. His protectiveness over his family is shown when he is furious with his sister’s decision to marry a richer man in order to help him out with his financial needs, which suggests a future conflict between him and the fiancĂ©e.

-Gabriel Magalhaes

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